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Four Benefits Of Encapsulating Your Crawl Space

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If your home has a crawl space instead of a basement, you may not spend a lot of time in this area of the house. However, the dark, potentially damp conditions can be a breeding ground for several unwanted issues, such as mold and mildew growth. Encapsulating the crawl space to create a vapor barrier can help to eliminate the conditions that lead to mold growth, and it can also provide some additional benefits.…

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Should You Buy An HVAC Service Contract?

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One of your responsibilities as a homeowner is to ensure your HVAC unit is regularly serviced. Unfortunately, some homeowners often overlook the care of their units until there is a problem. An HVAC service contract can help ensure your unit is receiving the care it needs. If you are considering a service contract, here is what you need to know.   Is a Service Contract Beneficial?  An HVAC service contract has several benefits, including that it could help you save money on the upkeep of your unit.…

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The Problems With Installing An Oversized Air Conditioner

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Getting a new air conditioner for your home is more challenging than it seems. Part of the process involves getting an air conditioner that is the correct size for your home and existing ductwork. You may think that getting a powerful air conditioner will create air that is colder or cool down your home faster, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. An oversized air conditioner can actually cause the following problems.…

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3 Tips To Ensure That You Change Your HVAC Filters Regularly

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A lot of homeowners find that they do not change their HVAC filters as often as they should. It can be an easy thing for you to forget, but failing to do so can put wear and tear on your heating and air conditioning system and can affect your indoor air quality, along with causing your heating and cooling bills to rise. These are a few tips that can help you ensure that you are doing this important task as regularly as you should be.…

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3 Plumbing Issues You Should Never Try To Fix Yourself

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You may consider yourself a Jack of all trades, but there are some instances where you should not attempt to save money by repairing home issues yourself. Your plumbing problems are included in this list. Here are 3 things you should never attempt to fix on your own when it comes to plumbing and why it’s best to call a pro. Slow drains You may think that simply running hot water and some store clog dissolving liquid will rid yourself of your slow drain issues, but doing this route often just masks a larger plumbing issue.…

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Types Of Gas Furnaces

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Natural gas powered furnaces are one of the most common home heating options available, and for good reason. They are highly reliable, durable, and effective heating units, and can help maintain comfort levels within your home even during the darkest, coldest winter nights. However, there are three main variants of gas powered furnaces available on the market, each of which operates in a slightly different manner to provide the same function to your home.…

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4 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Furnace

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A furnace in good working order is key to a comfortable home in the winter, as well as a healthy HVAC system and reasonable electricity bills. While some furnace problems can easily be repaired, over time your furnace may gradually break down until it simply makes the most sense to replace it altogether. Here are four signs it’s time to replace your furnace: It Sounds Like You Live in a Haunted House…

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Summer's On The Way: 4 Tips To Prevent Electrical Malfunction

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Summer is almost here. You’ll soon be using your air conditioner, ceiling fans, and a multitude of other electrical devices. With all that energy flowing through your home, it’s just a matter of time before something shorts out. If that happens, you might find yourself without power – and cool air – for a few days while you have your electrical system repaired by someone like AAA Home Services. Here are four simple steps you can take, to reduce the chances of an electrical malfunction this summer.…

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Staying Comfortable From The Bottom Up - Benefits Of Radiant Heat Flooring

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When you own a home, it can be tremendously exciting to modify it to your exact specifications. However, given the number of options available in almost every home system today, it’s no wonder that many people can end up overwhelmed and then passing over options that may benefit them greatly. One of these lesser known but still very effective options for your home is radiant heat flooring. The days of stepping on to a cold floor in the morning might be gone if you decide that a radiant heat flooring system is right for you, and some of the benefits listed below will hopefully be sufficient to nudge you in that direction.…

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Tips For Keeping Your Home Cool This Summer Without Breaking The Bank

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If you live somewhere that experiences very hot summers, you may love your air conditioner but hate the high bills associated with keeping your home cool. Luckily, there are several things you can do to keep your home cool and comfortable without breaking the bank. Use the following tips to help keep your cooling bill down when the summer months arrive: Have Your Air Conditioner Tuned Up Maintenance is essential if you want your air conditioning unit to run as efficiently as possible.…

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