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Why An AC Condenser Fan Requires Immediate Attention

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If you have a central air conditioning system that keeps your home cool in the summer, then it is wise to investigate the outdoor AC unit to make sure it is running properly and efficiently. There are a few key things to look for when completing your inspection, including the running of the compressor fan. If the fan no longer works, but you can tell that the AC unit is running due to the noises coming from the compressor pump, then you should contact an HVAC professional as soon as possible.…

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Which Type Of Air Conditioner Is Right For Your Home?

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On a hot day, you just want to escape into your cool, air-conditioned home, but to do that, you first need air conditioning. Luckily, there are many different types of air conditioning units to meet any needs and any budget. Check out these four common air conditioning systems to find out which is right for you. Window Air Conditioners Window air conditioners fit into your home’s window. The front portion faces the inside of your home and expels cold air, while the back sits outside, expelling hot air.…

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Practical Tips For Avoiding Costly Furnace Repairs

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Transitioning from renter to owner when you purchase your own home can be an exciting time for everyone, but it comes with its own learning curve. As a renter you probably didn’t give your furnace a lot of thought and grew accustomed to leaving its repair and maintenance to the landlord. As a homeowner, you now must assume the responsibility for how well your furnace works and learn to take measures to prevent costly furnace repairs.…

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Prevent A Legion Of Illness-Related Lawsuits With Commercial HVAC System Cleaning

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As a commercial business owner, your mind is likely focused on quality, production, and your customers. Of course, you are also likely concerned with the safety of your employees, but there are several little-known factors that can affect their health. The large, commercial HVAC system you use can be a source of illness if it does not receive proper maintenance, and illnesses could lead to lawsuits. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent both the illnesses and the lawsuits.…

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