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Tips for Troubleshooting Your Furnace and When to Call for Professional Furnace Repair

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As the temperature drops, the furnace becomes the key source of warmth and coziness indoors. However, like any other heating system, furnaces are prone to malfunction. This can be frustrating, especially when you need heat the most. Fortunately, you can troubleshoot some common furnace problems before calling in a professional. In this post, we will share some tips on how to troubleshoot your furnace and when it's time to call for professional furnace repair.

Check the Thermostat

If your furnace isn't working properly, the first thing to check is the thermostat. Ensure that it is set to the heat mode and adjusted to the appropriate temperature. If the thermostat is malfunctioning, it may not accurately read the temperature, causing your furnace to turn on and off or not turn on at all. If you suspect the thermostat is the problem, replace the batteries and see if that solves the issue. Otherwise, consider replacing the whole thermostat.

Check the Air Filters

If your furnace isn't flowing the warm air as usual, the air filters might be clogged with dirt and debris. Dirty filters reduce airflow and make your furnace work harder than it should. This, in turn, reduces its efficiency and increases your energy bills. Therefore, it's crucial to check and replace air filters as recommended by the manufacturer. A dirty filter can also cause your furnace to overheat and shut off.

Check the Airflow

If the filters are clean, the next thing to check is the airflow. Make sure the air registers are open and not blocked by furniture or other objects. Obstructions can reduce airflow and make your furnace work harder, leading to a rise in temperature, overheating, and, eventually, a breakdown.

Listen for Unusual Noises

Furnaces are not completely silent, but if you hear noises like rumbling, grinding, rattling, or banging, there might be a serious problem. These sounds often indicate mechanical issues like a damaged blower motor, worn-out bearings, or other mechanical failure. In this case, it's best to call a professional furnace repair service to investigate and fix the issue.

Call for Professional Furnace Repair

If you've exhausted all the troubleshooting steps and your furnace is still not working properly, it's time to seek professional furnace repair. Ignoring furnace problems is not only inconvenient but can be hazardous, too. Furnaces that are not functioning correctly can emit deadly gases, such as carbon monoxide, which is odorless and invisible. Therefore, you should call in an expert who can diagnose and fix the issue safely and efficiently.

A malfunctioning furnace can be frustrating, especially when you need heat the most. If you've tried all the tips and your furnace still isn't working correctly, don't hesitate to call for professional furnace repair.

Contact a company such as B & H Heating and Air to learn more. 
