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The Ultimate Checklist For Buying An HVAC System

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Selecting the right HVAC system for your home or office involves more than just choosing the first unit you come across. There are several crucial considerations, from size and type to energy efficiency and maintenance needs. 

Take a look at what you should consider when making your purchase.

Efficiency Ratings

When shopping for a new HVAC unit, consider the system's efficiency rating. The efficiency of an HVAC system indicates how effectively it can convert energy into heating or cooling for your home. A more efficient unit will consume less energy, leading to lower utility bills and less environmental impact.

There are several rating systems used to measure HVAC efficiency. For air conditioners, the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) is commonly used. A higher SEER rating indicates greater efficiency.

Similarly, for heating systems, the Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) rating is used, with a higher percentage indicating a more efficient system. Heat pumps, which provide both heating and cooling, use the Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF).

However, while a higher efficiency rating can lead to energy savings in the long run, these units often come with a higher upfront cost. You need to balance the initial investment with potential energy savings over the life of the unit.

Also, consider your local climate when evaluating efficiency ratings. For example, a super high-efficiency air conditioner may not be worth the extra cost if you live in a region with mild summers. Always consult a trusted HVAC professional to help choose the most efficient system for your needs and circumstances.

Equipment Maintenance Needs 

When choosing a new HVAC unit, consider the upfront cost, efficiency, and ongoing maintenance needs. Regular maintenance is crucial for any HVAC system to operate at its best, last longer, and deliver the expected energy savings. However, some units may require more frequent or complex maintenance than others, which can add to their overall cost of ownership.

For instance, certain types of HVAC systems, like ductless mini-split units, might require professional cleaning of the indoor units multiple times a year to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.

On the other hand, traditional central air systems often require regular ductwork inspection and cleaning to ensure optimal operation. Some high-efficiency models may have more sophisticated components that need specialized care or replacement parts, potentially leading to higher maintenance costs.

Before purchasing an HVAC unit, inquire about its specific maintenance requirements. Understand what tasks you can perform yourself, such as filter changes, and which ones require professional service. Also, ask about the availability and cost of replacement parts.

To make a smart decision about which HVAC system to choose, consider the long-term maintenance needs.

Speak to an HVAC dealer today for more info.  
