Are You Making These 3 Home Cooling Mistakes?
The world relies on air conditioning to stay cool at home when it's hot outside. Yet, there is always room for mistakes when it comes to home cooling and home cooling services.
Mistake: Not preparing your AC for non-use during the winter.
When summer fades and it's time to start thinking about heating instead of cooling, most people simply turn off their AC and never give it a second thought. However, your air conditioning system should be properly prepared for the winter, no matter what kind of AC system it is that you have.
There are several straightforward guides online that teach you how to prepare your AC for winter, such as this one from SF Gate, but your local AC service can also help you out with all the details. A few of the usual steps include:
- Cleaning the exterior unit
- Covering the exterior unit with a piece of heavy plastic sheeting or a tarp
- Protecting exposed lines with foam pipe insulator
Mistake: Not looking into AC upgrades in spite of your current system's age.
A lot of people live by the mantra of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." However much that sentiment may apply to other things, it is not one to apply to your home air conditioning system. The HVAC industry is perhaps one of the most quickly evolving industries because it has to stay in line with current concerns of energy-efficiency.
As prices for home energy rise, people grow more concerned with the efficiency of the main energy pullers in the house, and HVAC systems are just that. If it has been a decade or so and you've not looked into the latest models, it is most definitely a good idea to at least look at your options. You may be able to save a lot of money on home cooling costs just by upgrading.
Mistake: Not signing up for an AC service contract.
Many modern HVAC companies offer their services in a relatively new fashion: with a service contract. If you sign up for an AC service contract, you will pay one lump sum for a certain span of time, or you will pay a small monthly fee to have AC services whenever they are needed.
For example, you may pay for a six-month service contract to carry you through the cooling seasons. During this time, any time you have to call for service, the fees are waived. The only things you will have to pay for are replacement parts.
For more information on AC services, consult a resource in your area.